while having my local black coffee "Hang Tuah"...with local hard "benggali" biscuit after dinner... this is my personal observation and analysis of the local political landscape... what been said in the main stream media and what is not is the most important of all is to unspin the spinner...
Monday, March 15, 2010
A picture worth a thousand words...in Twin Tower, KLCC
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Di sebalik resolusi Perhimpunan Agung MCA
Dr Mohd Ridhuan Tee Abdullah
14 MAC — Dalam kekusutan dan kekecohan MCA berhadapan dengan masalah dalamannya, Perhimpunan Agung Tahunan MCA (AGM) Ke-56 yang berakhir pada 7 Februari 2010, meluluskan lima resolusi merangkumi 16 perkara di bawah usul politik, hal ehwal kerajaan, pendidikan, sosial dan ekonomi serta budaya. Antara resolusi yang diluluskan sebulat suara yang menarik perhatian saya adalah mengenai penambahan bukan Melayu dalam perkhidmatan awam, perubahan dan inovasi pengkongsian kuasa Barisan Nasional (BN), penambahan sekolah vernakular dan pengiktirafan Sijil Peperiksaan Bersepadu (UEC) di semua sekolah persendirian Cina. Satu lagi resolusi yang paling saya tidak dapat terima ialah campurtangan mereka dalam hukuman sebat yang telah diputuskan oleh mahkamah syariah. Sikap mencampuri urusan rumah tangga orang lain boleh dikira biadab ketika mana rumah tangga sendiri berantakan. Tidakkah mereka sedar bahawa selama ini umat Islam di negara ini, tidak pernah campurtangan sama sekali dalam urusan orang bukan Islam. Licik sungguh mereka ini, sesuatu yang dirasa ‘menggugat’ kedudukan mereka didesak habis-habisan manakala yang boleh diambil kesempatan dan peluang disokong tanpa berbelah bahagi seperti gagasan 1Malaysia, yang pada pandangan mereka berasaskan konsep sama rata dan sama rasa.
Termenung seketika memikirkan tuntutan sebegini setelah sekian lama bersama BN dan berkawan dengan UMNO. Kawan tidak menjaga kawan, kadangkala jadi lawan. Ketika kawan lemah, ambil kesempatan, bertindak seperti gunting dalam lipatan. Serba sedikit saya dapat membaca maksud tersirat dan tersurat permintaan dan desakan mereka itu. Saya telah ulas panjang lebar mengenai kedudukan bukan Melayu dalam perkhidmatan awam, mungkin mereka boleh baca apa yang telah saya tulis sebelum ini (Mingguan Malaysia, 14 Februari 2010). Tidakkah kita dapat melihat ramainya orang Islam (Melayu) dalam perkhidmatan awam dan pembolotan bukan Melayu dalam ekonomi sebagai situasi menang-menang atau win-win? Kenapa masih belum puas?
Mengenai inovasi dan perubahan struktur perkongsian kuasa dalam BN, saya dapat melihat mereka mahukan jawatan tinggi dalam BN seperti pengerusi BN, timbalan BN, setiausaha agung BN, bendahari BN dan jawatan penting lain BN digilirkan. Selepas itu, jawatan-jawatan ini akan digunakan sebagai batu loncatan untuk mendapatkan jawatan-jawatan penting dalam kabinet termasuk jawatan PM dan TPM dan sebagainya di kemudian hari. Perkara ini bukanlah isu baru, ia telah dibangkitkan sekian lama oleh parti ultra kiasu yang lain, cuma masih belum menjadi realiti.
Sejak dahulu lagi perjuangan mereka tidak pernah padam. Jika dahulu jawatan menteri kewangan pernah disandang oleh mereka. Hari ini mereka mahu kembali mendapat jawatan tersebut dan jawatan yang lebih senior. Cuma, saya menyeru nilaikanlah toleransi yang berlaku, berapa ramai calon bukan Melayu yang telah dilantik menjadi senator dan diberikan jawatan menteri, walaupun mereka kalah dalam pilihan raya. MCA pula begitu beruntung kerana mereka menang pilihan raya di kawasan majoriti Melayu. Saya akan tabik MCA dengan sepuluh hari jika MCA atau Gerakan dapat mengalahkan parti ultra kiasu dalam pilihan raya di kawasan majoriti bukan Melayu.
Jika parti-parti komponen BN ini boleh menang, ketika itu mereka mungkin wajar mendesak dan mengemukakan tuntutan kepada kerajaan. Jika tidak, tak payahlah kemukakan tuntutan sedemikian, jagalah masalah dalaman parti terlebih dahulu. Janganlah hendak menjadi jaguh ketika sokongan bukan Melayu telah beralih kepada ultra kiasu. Saya begitu teruja untuk melihat parti komponen BN ini dapat merebut kembali Pulau Pinang jika mereka mampu. Saranan bekas presiden Gerakan ada betulnya. Parti-parti politik ini perlu menumpukan perhatian untuk membina kekuatan dalaman dan meraih sokongan dahulu sebelum bercita-cita tinggi untuk merampas Pulau Pinang daripada ultra kiasu. Apapun, mereka masih tidak rugi apa-apa kerana pulau tersebut masih lagi berada dalam genggaman orang yang sama kerana tindakan dan desakan mereka tidak banyak beza.
Parti itu juga menggesa kerajaan mengiktiraf Sijil Peperiksaan Bersepadu (UEC) yang ditawarkan semua sekolah persendirian Cina selain menyediakan peruntukan kepada sekolah terbabit supaya lebih ramai pelajar yang berbakat dapat dipupuk. Kerajaan juga digesa untuk terus mengamalkan dasar pendidikan yang lebih liberal dan berbilang kaum supaya lebih banyak sekolah vernakular boleh ditubuhkan dan dimasukkan ke dalam program pembangunan nasional. Persoalannya bakat dan pembangunan nasional bagaimanakah yang ingin dipupuk? Di manakah bakat-bakat tersebut? Apakah mereka berperanan besar dalam pembinaan sebuah negara bangsa? Rujuk artikel saya pada 31 Januari 2010 dan 22 November 2009. Kenapa tidak dibincangkan langsung akan kepentingan sekolah satu sistem (SSS) yang mana semua pelajar dapat dikumpulkan dalam satu tempat tanpa menafikan hak untuk belajar bahasa ibunda? Saya fikir sudah tibanya parti-parti politik ini berbincang akan modus operandi dan operasi SSS demi masa depan negara. Jangan ketepikan langsung kepentingan SSS dalam pembinaan negara bangsa, berbanding dengan hanya kepentingan bangsa. Saya akan bersetuju dengan pengikhtirafan sijil ini jika banyak masa diperuntukan untuk pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang mengutamakan bahasa kebangsaan.
Berapa banyakkah lagi sekolah seperti ini hendak dibina? Buatlah kajian dahulu tentang keberkesanan, kebolehan dan pencapaian BM dalam peperiksaan dan komunikasi. Begitu juga dengan semangat cintakan kepentingan nasional sebelum mendesak kerajaan bina yang baru. Setelah menonton rakaman debat antara ketua pemuda MCA dan Khoo Kay Kim, baru saya sedar betapa kiasunya parti ini seolah-olah tidak bezanya dengan parti ultra kiasu yang satu lagi. Sebagai timbalan menteri pelajaran beliau sepatutnya berhujah dengan lebih akademik bukannya beremosi. Hujah yang mengatakan pelajar sekolah vernakular hanya enam tahun berada di sekolah rendah, berbanding mereka lebih lama di sekolah menengah dan institusi pengajian tinggi adalah hujah yang ultra kiasu. Seolah-olah kita menyalahkan orang lain atas kegagalan sendiri. Apakah kita tidak belajar psikologi atau terlebih belajar sains? Tanyalah kepada sesiapapun, zaman kanak-kanak adalah tahap yang paling kritikal. Pepatah ada menyebut melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya. Mungkinkah dia berpegang kepada melentur buluh biarlah dari buluhnya. Hujah menegakkan benang yang basah ini tidak akan menyelesaikan masalah.
Saya ingin mengajak mereka yang kiasu ini supaya datang ke sekolah saya dan lihat bagaimana keadaan pelajar di sekolah di sini setelah dilentur sejak kecil di sekolah vernakular. Buat pemerhatian ke atas kelas peralihan, penguasaan BM dan pergaulan mereka. Saya tidak faham adakah mereka yang pandai berkata-kata pernah pergi ke sekolah yang di bawah seliaannya sendiri. Jangan asyik pergi ke sekolah sendiri sahaja. Sudah sampai masanya kajian secara akademik dibuat secara telus akan keberkesanan semua sekolah ke arah pembinaan negara bangsa berasaskan perlembagaan negara. Sebenarnya, kajian telahpun dibuat, tetapi kita mengambil sikap endah tak endah sebab hasil kajian tidak menyebelahui kita. Apapun selesaikan dahulu masalah dalaman parti, selepas kita boleh berbincang dan berdebat di tempat yang agak neutral.
Saya tidak nampak ada masalah dengan pengikhtirafan ke atas UEC. Mungkin mereka agak sukar untuk mereka mencari pekerjaan di sektor awam, tetapi pengambilan mereka ke dalam sektor swasta boleh dikatakan tidak ada halangan langsung, walaupun mungkin mereka gagal dalam BM. Mereka ibarat kek panas, maklum sahajalah sektor swasta tidak memerlukan kelayakan BM untuk bekerja di sana, terutama akhbar-akhbar ultra kiasu. Apakah mungkin perkara ini juga yang menyebabkan bilangan mereka tidak bertambah di sektor awam? Pendek kata, sama ada sijil UEC ini tidak ikhtiraf atau tidak, tidak banyak bezanya. Sikap menambah yang telah dapat, patut dipuji, tetapi janganlah ditambah sehingga membukit mengakibatkan orang lain merasa diketepikan? Buatlah kajian sama bagaimana sekolah jenis ini boleh meningkatkan idealism pembinaan negara bangsa.
Resolusi yang menggesa semua jabatan kerajaan seperti Kementerian Pelajaran dan Biro Tata Negara (BTN) mengubah suai silibus mengikut fakta sejarah dan menyerapkan konsep 1Malaysia ke dalam kurikulumnya juga tidak dapat lari dari sikap ultra kiasu. Resolusi ini memperlihatkan bahawa selama ini sejarahawan kita telah memutar-belitkan sejarah Tanah Melayu dan Malaysia. Saya ingin bertanya, di bahagian manakah yang telah diputar-belitkan. Selaku pensyarah dalam bidang politik dan kerajaan yang berkait rapat dengan sejarah, saya teramat ingin melihat fakta sejarah manakah yang didakwa diselewengkan? Adakah kita mempunyai niat tersembunyi untuk mengubah fakta sejarah supaya lebih berpihak kepada kita? Sejarah tetap sejarah, ia akan terus kekal sampai bila-bila. Janganlah diubah fakta tersebut semata-mata untuk menggembirakan diri sendiri. Susah-susah sangat, tanyalah Khoo Kay Kim. Beliau adalah pakar daripada segala pakar dalam bidang sejarah. Malangnya pakar sejarah ini ditolak sama sekali oleh mereka yang banyak bercakap ini.
MCA turut meminta kerajaan menilai semula hukuman fizikal terhadap golongan wanita beragama Islam dan bertindak atas dasar pertimbangan kemanusiaan dengan mematuhi persetujuan yang diterima pakai “Konvensyen Penghapusan Semua Bentuk Diskriminasi Terhadap Wanita” (Cedaw). Nasihat saya, MCA tidak perlu gatal tangan untuk campurtangan dalam hal ehwal agama Islam, kerana orang Islam lebih arif dengan kehidupan mereka sendiri. Jagalah rumahtangga sendiri dahulu yang sedang berantakan. Lagipun orang Islam tidak pernah sama sekali campurtangan dalam urusan orang lain. Kenapa perlu menyakitkan hati orang Islam?
Jauh sungguh bezanya sokongan mereka terhdap gagasan 1Malaysia. Bila dirasa menguntungkan maka disokong tanpa berbelah bahagi. Namun sebaliknya bila dilihat ada kerugian dan pengurangan, maka akan ditentang habis-habisan. Sikap ultra kiasu ini tidak ada bezanya langsung dengan parti ultra kiasu. Logo sahaja berlainan, perjuangan tetap sama. Suara mereka tetap tidak berubah. Ini yang saya selalu katakan bersatu dalam senyap. Di luar ada yang lantang mengkritik, di dalam ada yang memujuk, laksana adik-beradik. Strategi inilah yang telah mencairkan parti politik yang memerintah. Mungkinkah selepas ini mereka akan menyokong pula cadangan untuk mengadakan pilihan raya majlis perbandaran seperti yang dicadangkan oleh negeri yang perintah oleh ultra kiasu itu? Maklumlah kawasan bandar lebih ramai dihuni oleh pengikut-pengikutnya.
Saya yakin selepas ini parti-parti komponen BN yang lain akan membuat tuntutan yang hampir sama atau mungkin lebih ekstrim, jika kita terus melayan tuntutan dan desakan parti yang sedang berkecamuk ini. Kadangkala simpati saya terhadap Umno, selaku parti tunggal Melayu Islam, mereka terpaksa mendengar dan menerima semua desakan dan rintihan parti-parti komponen BN yang rata-ratanya tidak Islam. Siapakah sebenarnya yang akan mendengar dan melayan rintihan Umno yang ada berkeinginan untuk menegakkan kepentingan bangsa dan agamanya? Apakah mungkin PAS dan PKR mahu mendengar dan berkongsi beban ini atau terus-menerus mahu menuduh dan menyalahkan Umno?
Kita sepatutnya belajar daripada strategi orang lain. Apa jua masalah yang melanda, suara dan desakan mereka tetap senada. Berbeza sungguh dengan parti-parti Melayu. Bergaduh seolah-olah tidak ada noktahnya, sehingga terlepas pandang agenda bangsa dan agama. — Mingguan Malaysia
* Dr. Mohd Ridhuan Tee Abdullah, Pensyarah Kanan, Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia merangkap Setiausaha Agung Dewan Perdagangan Islam Malaysia. Penulisan ini adalah pendapat peribadi penulis
Malay Chutzpah, Productivity and Creativity vital ingredients of a High Income Economy
by SakmongkolAK47 (March 12, 2010)
How do we get to a high income economy? By leveraging on productivity and creativity says the PM. Productivity depends on personalized knowledge- how deep you cultivate yourself with the required knowledge and skills. This is the key to wealth creation- infusing oneself with the ‘want’ and will to succeed. This, you can’t legislate nor can you depend on others to do it for you.
Has Been led-MPM, Perkasa and Ibrahim Ali can’t do it for the Malays
MPM can’t do it for the Malays. Ibrahim Ali certainly can’t. Perkasa can’t. It is just an organization for has beens to stay politically relevant. See and be seen place. You can’t plan for the myriad of urges that reside in people. This you leave to the market system. It will prove to be liberating for the Malays who have had centuries of inhibiting culture. How do you know they cannot thrive under a regime that is freer?
Those Malays, who have turned out to be successful, shared one common characteristic- each has developed more or less under of regime of freedom from central command. They have cultivated themselves with the skills and creativity under a regime of self-made success.
It’s not that when you adopt a freer market system, those Malays in power will abandon their inclination to help out, will they? It’s not that when you adopt a freer market system, Malays immediately lose their demographic advantage? Or Article 153 will disappear. Or the institution of the monarchy will disappear. Or the religion that resides in each individual’s bosom will go up in smoke!
What the elites fear is that when we adopt a more liberal climate, we have competition and those lay-abouts and loafer-mentality leaders will be booted out. What the elites fear is the emergence of competing good leadership. What’s missing is good leadership at the implementing levels. Dedicated, selfless, efficient and visionary leadership at the implementing levels.
Good Leadership: No Second Raters, only creme de la cre’me
Let’s start by bringing good leadership here. Let’s not have second raters as department heads, second raters at the front line. Let’s make the civil service exemplary, the repository of the Malay creme de la crème. Creativity in turn, depends on willingness to push your imagination to the limits. Both thrive on freedom of the individual. This is directly opposite the economic philosophies of those pushing for a revitalized NEP.
NEP has failed the Malays at largeHas the NEP failed? For the Malays at large it has. They have pointed out to me the facts about every branch of the executive and most of the legislative being controlled by Malays. Yet the position of Malays has not moved even to the 75% mark. We targeted 30% ownership of corporate wealth; we now have only 19%. What about land ownership? What about many other things which are of economic significance? What about ownership of housing, land, factories and business premises, capital goods?
How do you reconcile these economic outcomes with the fact that almost all decision making resources are controlled by Malays? The answer: the Malays controlling decision making resources have not assisted Malays in getting their economic share. They helped themselves more as evidenced by the highest GINI ratio within the Malays. Income disparities between Malays have widened most when compared to income disparities between races.
This clearly suggest that those who helped themselves to having special relationships, to having shared ‘market’ knowledge have advanced more than those dependent on others; this was the system that resulted from the implementation of the NEP.
Someone said 20 acre may not be much. But FELDA is the only land ownership scheme that has successfully elevated Malays economically and any land schemes that replicated the FELDA methods have more or less succeeded in elevating Malays economically. FELCRA, RISDA etc. Because land is an important wealth creating resource. They have empowered the common man. So giving 20 acres each directly to economic actors is no small and shallow matter.
My friend in Kampung Jaya Gading in Kuantan aged 65 has more economic sense than Ibrahim Ali. It’s because people like Ibrahim Ali who has been shouting loudly about Malay this and Malay that have not been genuinely helping out Malays like my friend. There is no need to talk about complex economic theories and economic conspiracies secretly planned by non-Malays to take over this country.
The real enemies are not non-Malays- every business venture carried out by the shouting Malays are done in partnership with Chinese towkays. Many of the UMNO leaders up there have Chinese as partners running their businesses. So how can the Chinese be the enemy of the Puteras in the Bumi? No, it failed because transforming Malay leadership is not there.
So my kampong friend has his own vision 2020. He says it bluntly- 2020 means, 2 for Chinese 0 for Malays; 2 for Indians, 0 for Malays. Looking at the Malaysian Business top 10 richest Malaysian, his vision 2020 is more prescient than Mahathir’s 2020. Let us see what the NEM is all about.
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MCA’s harakiri and its repercussions on the Chinese
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CPI Writings |
FRIDAY, 12 MARCH 2010 15:30 |
![]() The Malaysian public, especially the Chinese, must be wondering if MCA can ever get its house in order so that it can attend to the important affairs of state, especially the economy. Besides the economy which affects the wellbeing of all households in one way or another, there are many other issues that should occupy the time and attention of the party. Rising religious tensions; increasing intolerance of Islamic zealots; growth of rightwing Malay NGOs and extremism; lack of education opportunities for young Chinese and other Malaysians – the list is formidable. Many of these issues have implications not only for the Chinese but for the whole country. The Najib administration’s New Economic Model (NEM) is being touted as the way forward. Do the MCA leaders know or even care what is in the model? Should the New Economic Policy (NEP) be a key part of the NEM as suggested by some Umno leaders? NEP was a policy that was supposed to have ended in 1990 but has in fact been continued with new labels during the past 20 years. Is there a danger that NEM will in fact be a retreat to the obsolete NEP strategy as demanded by Perkasa? Will there be a continuation of the crony capitalism that has blighted the earlier economic model? The Deputy Prime Minister has said that no Malaysian will be sidelined by the NEM and that “every Malaysian will be given the opportunity to look at what is being proposed and can provide their input”. Can the MCA vouch that the interests of all the communities will be safeguarded in the NEM? Can MCA assure the party members and public that they have not only closely monitored the drafting of the soon to be unveiled NEM but also contributed to its final form? If so, what are the inputs the party has provided or has this crucial strategy been left to others to formulate while the party has been twiddling its thumbs in between the preoccupation with party games. It will be interesting to know not only the party’s inputs but also the specific suggestions for the economic transformation of the country provided by the contenders jostling for party leadership. Input to economic planning There has been absolutely no word on NEM from MCA’s rival factions, so the public can be forgiven if they assume that these factions are either clueless or couldn’t give a damn as to what is in the new model. The concern is not only with regard to NEM but more immediately, the 10th Malaysia Plan, which will decide on how public expenditure is to be spent during the next five years. What is the specific input of the MCA to this national blueprint? For example, has the party consulted the best experts as well as the affected businesses on how to get the small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) out from their low-value-added, low-wage and low-productivity structure? And again, what inputs (assuming that the party leadership has been furnished with early drafts of the 10th Malaysia Plan by the Economic Planning Unit) have MCA provided on the plan? Presumably MCA has access to a wide range of expertise available from the Chinese business community and intelligentsia. This feedback if collated should be useful in providing pragmatic guidance on how to achieve a breakthrough in the many challenges we face. For the coming MCA elections on March 28, the party members should insist that each of the candidates contesting key positions provide a full report card on their views on the NEM and 10th Malaysia Plan and how they intend to ensure that their policy proposals are taken up by the party and government. This report card, including their record of service and accomplishments at the community and national level – rather than the dinners and other perks aimed at wooing supporters –should be the main focus of their campaign. A disclosure of the candidate’s policy position on the major economic, social and political challenges that the country faces is the first step to realizing the party’s aspiration to be a credible political force. Marginalizing itself or being marginalized? The consensus of analysts is that the MCA has been an ineffective political force in part because it has only played a marginal role in the previous Malaysia Plans that have shaped socio-economic development in the country. Because of Malay dominance of the civil service and the close relationship between Umno and the civil service, past development plans, for example, have been skewed against vernacular schools and education for the children of minority communities. At the same time, billions of dollars have been disproportionately spent on Mara junior science colleges and other Bumiputra elitist educational institutions. Some of the outcomes of the earlier economic model and past development expenditure have been the failure of the country to grow to its full potential; the economic dominance of Umno- and MCA-affiliated tycoons and business interests; the widening income inequalities within all communities; and the extraordinary growth of a super rich and wealthy class. The resulting inequalities and persistence of Bumiputra poverty is now unfairly blamed on the ‘greed’ of the ‘pendatang’ community by extremist Malay and Umno quarters seeking a continuation of NEP and Malay-oriented development policies. Quite apart from concern over how the national economic cake is being shared, surely the party must be fully aware that among our neighbours such as China, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand, Malaysia’s real GDP growth in the last three years was the second lowest at 5.5 percent. Or that private sector investment has stagnated and in some cases even regressed. If the party is aware of the bleak economic scenario facing Malaysians, what key proposals has it formulated to reenergize the swooning Malaysian economy and how have these been incorporated into the 10th Plan? The ongoing power struggle Junfa, or its English equivalents ‘warlords’ and ‘warlordism’, when used in the context of Chinese polity and society during the first part of the twentieth century, are pejorative expressions….The warlord era was marked by constant warfare, thrusting China into perpetual economic and political instability…. Official history …denounces warlords and characterizes the era as reactionary to China's endeavour toward national unity and progress. Both Chinese and English scholarship describe the warlords as regional militarists, possessing personal armies that they constantly strove to expand and heavily relied on to advance their own interests in power and money. ![]() We are all aware that most politics in Malaysia begins and ends with personal interests, especially for those individuals who belong to the top echelons of the ruling parties. There are of course the ethical few who see political power as a moral calling to serve the nation and who dedicate their life to doing the best for their constituents and the nation. The endless squabbling for positions in the MCA has led to the perception that the party has very few leaders of integrity and more than its fair share of opportunists. Even the top man, Ong Tee Keat has gone on record in his presidential speech at the previous annual general meeting to state that his attempt at party reformation had caused discomfort to some people, especially opportunists. The MCA’s lowered standing after 56 years of existence is not only a view held by the general public or the opposition parties. Its partners in BN are shaking their heads in despair or privately crowing with glee as the spectacle of infighting and backstabbing intensifies. As for the future, it is the ultimate indictment of MCA that its President has had to publicly apologize several times for the so-called aggressive investigation of the Port Klang Free Trade scandal, in which various leaders and associates of the party have been implicated. The question that comes to mind is why should Ong apologize for seeking the truth on the scandal and in the process stirring a hornet’s nest? Is this apology a result of pressure from party leaders and members that the MCA should see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil? Is the President sending out a message that the party should condone what has taken place? Or that he should hide from the public the truth on cronyism, corruption, mismanagement, inefficiency and abuse of power? If this is the logical conclusion, then the sooner the party is consigned to the dustbin of history, the better. |
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