Tuesday, March 2, 2010

MPM atau Suqiu dan Hindraf Yang Lebih Cauvinis?

by Dato Seri Dr. Khir Toyo

1. Penubuhan Majlis Perundingan Melayu (MPM)yang mengandungi 76 Pertubuhan Bukan Kerajaan (NGO) Melayu tidak harus dilihat sebagai satu langkah perkauman melampau seperti mana yang cuba digambarkan oleh kumpulan tertentu.

2. Ramai orang Melayu mungkin tidak sedar kewujudan ribuan NGO kaum Cina, yang sama ada secara berselindung atau tidak bertujuan menjadi kumpulan pendesak kepada kepentingan kaum Cina sama ada dalam bidang kebudayaan, pendidikan mahu pun ekonomi.

3. Dalam bidang pendidikan misalnya terdapat dua pertubuhan kaum Cina yang khusus ingin menjaga kepentingan pendidikan Cina iaitu Gabungan Persatuan-persatuan Lembaga Pengurus Sekolah Cina Malaysia (Dong Zhong) dan Gabungan Persatuan-persatuan Guru-guru Sekolah Cina Malaysia (Jiao Zhong). Mereka kerap kali membuat kenyataan bersama sehingga dikenali sebagai Dong Jiao Zhong. Semua orang tahu aksi dan reaksi mereka jika ada Sekolah Jenis Cina ditutup atau digabungkan dalam Sekolah Wawasan suatu ketika dahulu.

4. Ketika orang Melayu masih terikat dengan dogma kepartian Pas - UMNO - Anwar Ibrahim, dan menghadapi perpecahan atas sebab peribadi seorang pemimpin, kaum Cina pula secara senyap bersatu melalui pertubuhan bukan kerajaan untuk mengemukakan pelbagai tuntutan menjelang pilihan raya Umum 1999.

5. Hasilnya muncul Suqiu pada 1999 yang mengumpulkan 2095 persatuan dan pertubuhan Cina di Malaysia dan membuat satu tuntutan yang dinamakan "Rayuan Pilihanraya". Mereka mengemukakan 83 tuntutan di bawah 17 Perkara Rayuan. Rayuan ini disifatkan oleh ramai pihak, termasuk Perdana Menteri Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad ketika itu, sebagai satu tuntutan melampau dan bersifat terlalu kecinaan.

MPM: Kuasa Ketiga Melayu?

6. Sepuluh tahun selepas kontroversi Suqiu, orang Melayu dan Islam melihat bahawa gerakan politik Pas, PKR dan UMNO sudah gagal sama sekali menjaga kepentingan mereka.

7. Majoriti orang Melayu yang masih berpegang kepada akar agama Islam, budaya dan bahasa Melayu melihat sedikit demi sedikit hak-hak mereka dalam Perlembagaan dan kontrak kemerdekaan sedang dicabar dan dihakiskan atas nama kesamarataan, keadilan, ketelusan, meritokrasi dan persaingan globalisasi.

8. Lebih mengecewakan mereka pula pemimpin Melayu dari semua parti sibuk bercakap mantera-mantera kapitalis seperti kesamarataan, keadilan, ketelusan, meritokrasi dan persaingan globalisasi. Hari ini pemimpin Melayu dalam semua parti politik "mengambil mudah" (take for granted) kedudukan kuasa undi orang Melayu.

9. Mungkin ini kerana orang Melayu telah dicop sebagai taksuban politik. Jika UMNO maka BN lah undinya biar apa pun terjadi. Jika Pas maka Pakatan Rakyatlah undinya biar pun ijtihad tahun - tahun 80 dan 90 -an telah berpusing 180 darjah dalam alaf baru.

10. Selepas taksub kepada parti politik, orang Melayu taksub pula kepada pemimpin. Kalau penyokong Tun mahathir maka mahathirlah beliau sampai mati. Salah benar bukan isu. Sokongan mesti mutlak. Demikian juga jika ia penyokong Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, biar terbakar kelambu, asal nyamuk mati puas hatinya. Jika ia penyokong Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat, maka hidup matinya bersama Nik Aziz biar pun adakalanya hujahan beliau kontras antara satu sama lain.

11. Maka ketaksuban-ketaksuban kepada parti politik dan pemimpin politik inilah yang menentukan undi orang Melayu. Orang Melayu tiada kumpulan pendesak dan penggerak yang boleh membentuk pola dan mobiliti arus pengundian orang Melayu bersandarkan kepentingan agama dan bangsa.

12. Orang Melayu tiada Suqiu seperti mana orang Cina yang berupaya menggerakan sokongan pengundi Cina kepada BN pada 1999 dan 2004 serta kepada Pakatan Rakyat pada 2008.

13. Demikian juga kaum India mewujudkan Hindraf sebagai kuasa pendesak kaum India yang berjaya menggembleng sokongan kaum India kepada Pakatan Rakyat dalam pilihan raya lalu. Hasilnya kaum India dan Cina diangkat dan didewakan oleh Pakatan Rakyat kerana menyedari kepentingan undi mereka yang berubah mengikut kepentingan kaum mereka.

14. Sementara orang Melayu tidak dipedulikan kerana sebahagian besarnya sudah menjadi taksuban parti Pas, UMNO dan PKRM serta juga menjadi taksuban Nik Aziz, Anwar Ibrahim dan Mahathir Mohamad.

15. Ini semua kerana ketiadaan NGO Melayu yang perkasa sebagai kuasa pendesak ketiga (the third force)seperti kaum Cina dan India.

MPM atau Suqiu dan Hindraf Yang Cauvinis?

16. Justeru jika tiada kaum cina dan India yang mengecam dan menuduh Suqiu dan Hindraf sebagai perkauman sempit dan jahat mengapa pula Majlis Perundingan Melayu (MPM) harus dilihat dari sudut yang negatif?

17. MPM hanya bertujuan menjaga kepentingan Bumiputera, Melayu dan Islam seperti mana yang diperuntukan dalam Perlembagaan.

18. Ini sangat bertentangan dengan Suqiu dan Hindraf yang menuntut beberapa perkara yang bertentangan dengan Perlembagaan untuk kepentingan akum Cina dan India?

19. Jadi siapa yang lebih bersifat perkauman dan cauvinis MPM atau Suqiu dan Hindraf?

20. Saya fikir penubuhan MPM ini memberi makna besar kepada orang Islam dan Melayu keseluruhannya di negara ini. Sudah tiba masanya kita berhenti bersikap menang sorak kampung tergadai.

21. Kita gah menjadi Perdana Menteri, kita gah menjadi Menteri Besar, kita gah Menjadi Ketua Pembangkang, kita gah menjadi Ulama besar, kita gah menjadi Menteri tapi hakikatnya, nasib dan masa depan agama dan bangsa kian kabur dan gelap kerana semuanya dilihat mahu menarik undi bukan Melayu.

22. Orang Melayu tidak menafikan hak dan kepentingan kaum lain di negara ini. Orang Melayu juga tidak menafikan tanggungjawab kerajaan memberi bantuan dan sokongan kepada golongan miskin tanpa mengira kaum mahu pun agama.

23. Apa yang orang Melayu dan juga seluruh bumiputera lihat ialah usaha membantu itu dengan mengorbankan apa yang hak kepada mereka.

Majlis Permuafakatan Bumiputera?

24. Saya juga ingin mencadangkan agar MPM ini dapat pula mengadakan kerjasama dengan NGO-NGO Bumiputera lain tanpa mengira batas agama membentuk Majlis Permuafakatan Bumiputera.

25. Dengan ini selain menjaga kepentingan Melayu dan agama Islam melalui MPM, MPB pula boleh menjaga kepentingan semua kaum yang diiktiraf sebagai bumiputera di negara ini.

26. Ini penting kerana kadang kala apabila kita bercakap hak Melayu, ada kaum bumiputera di sabah dan Sarawak tidak faham bahawa perjuangan tersebut membabitkan hak mereka juga. Ada yang salah faham melihat itu bukan isu mereka sedangkan perjuangan mempertahankan hak pendidikan, biasiswa dan perkongsian ekonomi orang Melayu sebenarnya turut merangkumi kaum pribumi lain.

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BN moves closer to two-thirds majority

commentary: Well, i thought this was the ultimate strategy by Anwar Ibrahim by his infamous 16th Sept dateline... now that it has knock on his head and him falling flat on his face... he is blaming it  on others  and calling it a below the belt kinda deal ?   pleezzz... your are so funny Anwar. ;) .. do you want milk and cookies with your whining ?

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The BN needs 148 seats for a two-thirds majority. With support of the three independents, it will get there with just another eight defectors. A two-thirds majority is not just a psychological booster, but is also necessary for smooth passage of the next redrawing of electoral constituencies that will begin next year.

The Straits Times

DATUK Seri Anwar Ibrahim's Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) was hit yesterday by a flurry of resignations by ex-loyalists, including an MP from Penang.
Nibong Tebal MP Tan Tee Beng said he was becoming an independent because there was no longer any avenue for dissent in the opposition alliance Pakatan Rakyat (PR).
'I have been told not to openly criticise party leaders. This is not what PKR used to stand for - accountability and justice,' he said at a press conference.
Former PKR secretary-general Salehuddin Hashim also confirmed yesterday that he was quitting the party. He does not hold an elected seat.
Speaking at the same press conference, he said he believed that more lawmakers will leave in coming days. 'It may be more than 10. But they won't all jump at once, they will go in ones and twos,' he said, blaming the party for favouring new members and sidelining loyalists.
Mr Tan is the second MP to quit PKR in a month, after Bayan Baru MP Zahrain Hashim left in a huff following a quarrel with Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng. Datuk Seri Zahrain is also from Penang.

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The future of Najibonomics

John Lee is a third-year student of economics at Dartmouth College in the United States. He has been thinking aloud since 2005 at

 commentary: John Lee is looking in Malaysian Economy from clinical point of view., an ivy league student, what so great about this joker, as i am also an ivy league graduate, i don't go around giving advise to the PM on how to run things....he is a dozen a dime now a days... I mean, it is easier for him to comment from the outside on how Najib's team handling things back home., Najib is handling it the best he could ever be, for that i commanded him, and also, this economy is actually just came out from the stagnant economic policy of Abdullah Badawi...but one thing I couldn't agree more is that Pak Lah is the very reason why our economy has basically gone down the drain., He single handedly chase away most of the potential FDI and undone all the economic policy that Dr. Mahathir had built in 22 years... to me, Pak Lah should be held responsible for all the economic spiral downward during the "dark ages" of his administration....

MARCH 1 — The more I learn about 1 Malaysia and the Najib Razak administration, the more convinced I am that this is all just another giant farce.
I cannot tell where this perception that Najib is more competent or principled than his predecessor is coming from.
1 Malaysia is all propaganda without results, and the actions of our government show it is more concerned with a good show rather than substance.
The latest propaganda triumph of the Najib regime is an impressive 4.5 per cent economic growth rate in the last quarter of 2009.
All well and good, but as Najib himself conceded, the growth was driven by unique conditions: the holiday season drove up consumer spending to a degree we cannot expect for the other three quarters of the year, and the government also ramped up its stimulus spending to boost aggregate demand.
This is not a sustainable economic recipe; it is not real, meaningful economic growth.
The government has been running deficits like mad for years, artificially boosting demand. Now, that is fine if we are doing it to keep pace with increasing aggregate supply.
Aggregate supply hinges on natural resources, technological innovation, and capital —both capital goods, and the more intangible human capital. And Najibonomics is a complete failure on the supply side, I can tell you right now.
In terms of capital, it is no secret that net investments in Malaysia are dropping off a cliff. Until about halfway through the Abdullah Badawi administration, net investment on an annual basis was hovering somewhere near zero—that is to say, foreign investments coming in roughly equaled Malaysian investments going out.
We want a positive level of saving and investment to boost our capital stock — but in the final years of the Badawi government, and now under Prime Minister Najib, we literally have seen investment drop off a cliff.
To put this in more concrete terms, what this means is that foreigners are refusing to invest in Malaysia, and Malaysians insist on investing their money overseas.
A back of the envelope calculation suggests that last year, Malaysians invested almost as much money in the entire Australian property market alone as foreigners invested in the whole of Malaysia.
Investors, both Malaysian and foreign, have completely lost confidence in our country — nobody wants to put money in Malaysia, and so our savings are flowing out of the country, instead of being invested in local enterprise.
Even if you don’t invest directly, you are still probably being screwed. The Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF), eschewing the best practices of most other public pension funds around the world, concentrates its investments solely in Malaysia, ensuring our employees’ pensions are subject to the risk of putting all their eggs in one single basket. Worse still, the Ministry of Finance manipulates the EPF portfolio at will to artificially prop up our stock market.
In other words, our financial markets are a farce built upon the farce of the EPF.
And speaking of economic farces, only about 10 per cent of working age Malaysians, or 1.5 million people, pay taxes. This isn’t because of massive tax evasion —  it’s because only 1 out of every 10 Malaysians even earns enough to qualify for the income tax.
Even if we assume every last one of these Malaysians is a professional, square that with the 500,000 Malaysian professionals overseas. One out of every four Malaysian professionals lives and works abroad —  our human capital stock stands at only 75 per cent of its full potential, and it is falling; last year, the emigration rate nearly doubled.
At home, our schools and universities are not training high-value workers, and our economy is distorted by rent-seekers.
When my father began working as an engineer thirty years ago, his salary was in the RM1,000 to RM2,000 range. That is still the case for a young engineer starting today—despite massive inflation and rising costs of living. Things are so bad that most of these young workers —  who by right should be skilled professionals, commanding high wages —  are not even eligible to pay income tax.
It’s no wonder people are losing faith in Malaysia. We have no plan to fix our fundamentals.
Our school system discourages innovation in favour of accepting orders from above; our economic system stifles entrepreneurship in favour of corrupt rent-seeking.
Our prosperity is pump-primed by petroleum and forestry — when we run out of these resources, without any human capital or meaningful industrial enterprises, our economy will collapse.
Instead of bravely confronting these realities, Prime Minister Najib is content to proclaim our recovery from the global recession — as if all will be nice and dandy now.
He should be announcing an ambitious policy to reverse our capital outflows, reduce our dependence on natural resources, and improve our human capital.
This is a crisis in the making —  with no investment, we cannot build up our industry, and with no human capital, we cannot compete in the knowledge economy; the problem goes beyond a short-term recession.
But these things do not concern Najib’s regime.
After all, this is a regime of propaganda, not results. The government under Najib now brazenly seizes books it doesn’t like from bookstores across the country. It blatantly rewrites history by contradicting Tengku Razaleigh, who helped draw up the original petroleum royalty agreements with the states.
There is no policymaking here—just propaganda.
The Barisan Nasional government is simply a ship of fools, content to lead us to disaster. They have no vision for the country, no idea of the massive challenges we face or any intention to face such challenges to begin with.
All this government does is pat itself on the back for putting on a good show. We deserve a government which lives in reality, not the neverland of 1 Malaysia. Why is this regime of “no action, talk only” supposed to be so much better than the alternatives?

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